
Managing Frappe Benches on Kubernetes

With the rise of Kubernetes (K8s) as a leading container orchestration platform, managing Frappe benches on Kubernetes has become a powerful way to scale and optimize your Frappe deployments. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can efficiently manage official or custom Frappe benches on Kubernetes using the K8s Bench Interface, and we’ll also guide you on how to migrate existing virtual machines (VMs) to a Kubernetes-based bench.

Why Manage Frappe Benches on Kubernetes?

Frappe is a robust framework for building custom web applications. Traditionally, Frappe benches are managed on virtual machines or standalone servers, but as applications grow in complexity and demand, the need for scalable and resilient infrastructure becomes critical. Kubernetes provides a solution by allowing you to deploy, scale, and manage your Frappe benches in a containerized environment, ensuring high availability and better resource utilization.

Introducing K8s Bench Interface for Kubernetes

The K8s Bench Interface simplifies the process of deploying and managing Frappe benches on Kubernetes clusters. This tool provides a user-friendly interface and powerful backend automation to help you set up, monitor, and maintain your Frappe environments with ease.

Key Features:

Custom and Official Bench Management: Easily manage both official and custom Frappe benches within your Kubernetes cluster.

Scalability: Automatically scale your Frappe deployments based on demand, ensuring optimal performance.

High Availability: Ensure your Frappe applications remain available even in case of node failures.

Simplified Upgrades: Perform seamless upgrades of your Frappe instances with minimal downtime.

Unified Dashboard: Monitor the health and performance of your Frappe benches from a single interface.

How to Get Started

To get started with managing Frappe benches on Kubernetes, you need to deploy the K8s Bench Interface on your Kubernetes cluster. The K8s Bench Interface is available as a Helm chart, which simplifies the deployment process. For detailed instructions, you can refer to the official K8s Bench Interface documentation.

Monitor and Manage Benches

Once deployed, the K8s Bench Interface provides a centralized dashboard where you can monitor the status of your benches. You can view metrics such as CPU and memory usage, as well as application logs. Additionally, you can manage your benches by performing actions such as scaling, restarting, or upgrading directly from the dashboard.

Migrating Existing Virtual Machines to Kubernetes

For those with existing Frappe deployments on virtual machines, migrating to a Kubernetes-based bench is a straightforward process. Castlecraft has provided a comprehensive guide on how to migrate your Frappe benches from virtual machines to Kubernetes.

The migration process involves containerizing your existing Frappe instance, pushing the container to a registry, and then deploying it on Kubernetes using the K8s Bench Interface. For a detailed step-by-step guide, refer to the migration documentation.


Managing Frappe benches on Kubernetes using the K8s Bench Interface is a powerful way to bring scalability, resilience, and automation to your Frappe deployments. Whether you’re starting fresh with a new Kubernetes bench or migrating from an existing virtual machine setup, the K8s Bench Interface offers the tools you need to manage your infrastructure effectively.

Explore the K8s Bench Interface to get started, and join the discussion on the Frappe community forum to share your experiences and insights.

This article provides a high-level overview of managing Frappe benches on Kubernetes. For more detailed technical instructions and configurations, be sure to check the provided links and official documentation or contact us for commercial support.