
Collaborative Power of castlecraft Dev Utils and Doctype Editor

Frappe apps are a powerful tool for building custom business applications. But when it comes to enterprise-level deployments, ensuring smooth collaboration between functional experts and development teams becomes paramount. This blog post explores how castlecraft’s dev_utils library and its Doctype Editor feature can bridge this gap, fostering a streamlined and efficient app development process. The […]


Frappe on Steroids: Power Up Your Enterprise Apps

Frappe is a powerful open-source framework for building robust and customizable business applications. But what if you need to take your Frappe development to the next level? Enter frappe_utils by Castlecraft, a suite of tools designed to supercharge your enterprise application development and collaboration. Trusted by High-Scale Enterprises in India Companies across India’s diverse industries […]


Managing Frappe Benches on Kubernetes

With the rise of Kubernetes (K8s) as a leading container orchestration platform, managing Frappe benches on Kubernetes has become a powerful way to scale and optimize your Frappe deployments. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can efficiently manage official or custom Frappe benches on Kubernetes using the K8s Bench Interface, and we’ll also guide […]